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Each time the healing session is concluded, I am transformed...


Ho is an amazing and gifted Energy Healing Master.  Ho has the wonderful ability to channel his energy in such a way that it pulls blockages (issues of physical, mental or emotional) out of the body for full healing.  I have been blessed to receive energy healings several times uncovering the layers of blockages that have accumulated through this and other lifetimes. Each time the healing session is concluded, I am transformed.  The energy moves so incredibly through my body, releasing all that no longer serves me. The most awesome aspect of these sessions is that each healing is an opening for me to gain insight of new aspects of myself.  This healing journey has taken me on a path where I am learning to balance and ground myself within my own energy.


MPW, Burke, VA

Aneurysm had disappeared...


The first time I decided to get a healing session with Mr. Ho, it was for a sharp pain I had for some time in my right shoulder.  At that time I already knew I had a small aneurysm behind my left eye, but since that was not the purpose of my visit, I did not mentioned to him. From that very first visit, he felt something needs to be healed behind my left eye; I had three more sessions with him, and every time he worked on me he felt the same and worked on that area.   A couple of months later I had my follow up MRI, and to my surprise, aneurysm had disappeared!!.. My neurologist said aneurysm does not disappear by miracle, and one is lucky if it does not grow bigger, well, mine disappeared!!!  Thanks Mr. Ho.  (I must also say that week after my healing sessions I experienced sort of healing crisis, in the form of muscle weakness).


I have also had new sessions due to a time of worries and sadness, and my issue was emotional.  During this session I experience lots of movements and shaking on my abdominal area, it was energy moving and releasing.  I got well after two sessions.  On every session I feel the heat from his hands.  He also worked on my liver and could feel the area getting really hot when he worked on.  His healing is sort of a miracle.   A.C. in Fairfax



I originally came to see Mr. Namkung due to a concussion I had. I was still experiencing fatigue and brain fog from the incident. After 3 healing sessions with Ho, my thinking was sharper and more balanced again. I was also suffering a respiratory infection at the time of my 3rd session. I had not been able to lay down for any length of time due to heavy coughing. I was surprised that I made it through the entire hour without a single cough, until the very end of the session.  Spiritually speaking, I often experienced peace, "light", and timelessness during the healing sessions. Ho is a gifted and guided healer who additionally is very present, professional, and respectful.  He also offered me, at my request, some Qigong tips that were very helpful and that I continue to implement and benefit from. I highly recommend Mr. Ho Namkung. Thank you, Ho, for sharing your gift with me.

MCHay in Maryland

Rheumatoid Arthritis...

I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2009. Having relatives who'd long suffered from the disease, I'd seen firsthand the inability of Western medicine to deal with the disease; as such, I sought alternative means immediately -- initially yoga and later Qigong. While these were really helpful and even managed to get rid of the pain in my ankles they could not stop my left elbow and right wrist from degenerating -- slowly but steadily. 

I met Ho a few months ago and have been seeing him weekly ever since. The swelling in my elbow and wrist has reduced drastically and these days I wake up without any pain whatsoever and I also seem to be gradually regaining a greater degree of motion, so much so that I'm confident of being completely healed in the near future.   M.K. in Ashburn

Strongest and most "Compassionate" type of energy...


The sessions I had with Mr. Namkung were quite impactful. I have done other types of energy healing including Reiki, and this was by far the strongest and most "compassionate" type of energy I have felt. While I was not in the area to do more sessions that I wanted to, the ones I did I feel cleaned out a lot of stuck emotions and "sorrow" and left me feeling light and clear. Thanks Mr. Namkung!   R.P. in Nepal

Emotional detox...

Healing can take place on many levels and layers within each of us, emotionally, physically and spiritually.  Finding someone like Ho that can help energetically unravel and peel back those layers of what we think is obvious but most importantly, that what is not obvious, is phenomenal.  Each session/journey with Ho was an amazing experience that resulted in emotional detox, uprooting and clearing of what needed to be healed or released during that particular session.   Thank you Ho for your kindness, sharing your gift and doing the work you do to help others.    DFH in Virginia

Vision Improved...


Mr Ho has a genuine ability to help a person heal both physically and energetically.

I was wanting to experience chi, energy, sensations my tai chi classmates had talked about and I just had read and wondered about. Each session with Mr. Ho increased my physical energy and awareness of energy, tingling in my hands and around me.  

I experienced a tremendous feeling of love when Mr Ho held his hands over my heart, so much feeling that it brought me to tears and I am not a very emotional person and never imagined feeling that peaceful.  

Along with all these esoteric benefits, I had a physical problem with one eye and that now is almost healed with my vision improving noticeably. 

These benefits are real, things I can quantify and have experienced.   M.C. in College Park, Maryland

Post - Surgery Healing...


I had suffered from ailments around my perianal region for multiple years. I had gone through 5 surgeries in the past 3 years. I started my sessions with Mr. Namkung about a month after my 5th surgery. In my first session I hadn’t told him of my surgeries. However, he focused his healing energy around my pelvic area for most of the session. The first session was also very emotional. The energy was very powerful. I could physically feel it. In the second session, I decided to take a look at whether the physical sensation I felt was physical contact or just energy, and to my surprise (and satisfaction), even when his hands were more than 6 inches away from my body, I could the physically feel the energy. I have done many more sessions with him, and he worked on various parts of my body. I think, the sessions have helped me recover from my surgeries well, and has helped with my general well-being – physical, mental and emotional. Thank you, Mr. Namkung for sharing your gift.   S.K from Falls Church

Helped me to unfold my highest potential and to fully acknowledge my Higher self...


I have been blessed to have the awesome opportunity of receiving healing from Ho Namkung (Healing Energy Master) as I move forward on my spiritual quest. Ho utilizes his gifts selflessly and has helped me to unfold my highest potential and to fully acknowledge my Higher self. Ho comes from a perspective that allows for each of us to increasingly expand our knowing beyond the narrow boundaries of the ego self through the healing he facilitates.  Ho clearly experiences a release of blockages (as does the recipient) and gives to those receiving healing, the experience of healing and insight enabling each of us to tap into our own Divine gifts. The encouragement Ho provided to me was one of a never ending expansion of growth, learning, and transformation.    M.P. in Alexandria

Stomach Issues...


My stomach issues are getting better ever since I've been visiting Master Ho. I can digest food better and my stomach feels more relaxed. After each session I felt a deep sense of relaxation and peace. He is truly a compassionate gifted energy healer. I would highly recommend Master Ho.   J.K. in Centreville

Panic Attacks...


Dear Mr. Ho

I want to thank you for the healing sessions I had with you. I entered your office with a skeptical mind but after the first session I saw a remarkable and hard to comprehend  physical and spiritual changes in me. Here is a background about me:

 I am a retired registered nurse and  worked in a major hospital in DC. I worked in almost every department and seen patients with very rare disease come through the hospital. I cherished my experience and have met many hard working and compassionate people in my long years in that hospital.  However over  the years  I started questioning the word, "healing." Why I started to contemplate on this word "healing," is because I never heard the word being uttered in my nursing career nor have I met any one who told me they were healed from their ailments. This point I deeply threw myself on the Eastern healing techniques and I was flabbergasted. They actually claim healing the mind & body, and even cancer.


My issue started when my husband and I went through financial issues and many other stressful situations in our marriage. I was experiencing text book symptoms of panic attack, which was affecting me physiologically and my relationships with my young sons. I was afraid and was about to turn to temporary solution of medicating myself. During this time, I was pushed by some force to join Meetup groups. My intention for joining was unclear but there was a nudge I could not ignore. The Heavens were looking out for me because I met Mr. Ho through this avenue. I saw Mr. Ho immediately because I was in a dire state from panic attacks. My skeptical self was lurking and pushing me to take another route. Some people even told me that I have to be open to this type of healing to have any success. I had a doubt because I was never involved in alternative healing before. Needless to say I saw Mr. Ho in his Burke office. During the session it was cold and non-eventful. My skeptical self got the best of me. But a week later, sitting in my short meditation my whole right side of my brain was on fire, I am not exaggerating, I was so  scared and run out of my meditation room. The following days I felt lighter, even though all my problems were there,  I faced all of them with such clarity and a smile from a deep place. My husband felt the change in me so much so that he took himself to Mr. Ho, with successful result. My meditation session became full of insight and vision. I even started seeing colors with my eyes closed. In total I had four healing sessions and they were full of magic. I have to be clear to the readers here, I had no miraculous events while on the table.  However, wonderful "healing crisis" followed after each session, the most important being mental clarity. I even had the weirdest sensation which I felt dripping sensation inside my organs! How weird is that?! Mr. Ho was available to assure me that I was  going through what he called "healing crisis". 


I know that Mr. Ho channelled love energy and I was the grateful recipient. Tears of Joy.

Love   SB from Alexandria VA

It was an amazing restorative session...


My first session with Mr. Namkung was like nothing I had ever experienced before.  It was such a positive and amazing experience.  I could literally feel the energy flowing from into me in the forms of heat and touch like sensation.  I really could not believe at the end of the session that Mr. Namkung had not touched my body at all during the hour session.  I went to him after having ACL reconstruction on my left knee in the hopes to help my recovery process.  After the session I had significant improvement in walking up and down stairs for days.  


In my next session he spent more time working on areas I wasn’t aware that needed more healing energy than my knee.  My second session started in the same manner with the warmth starting in my, normally very cold, hands and moving through my body.  I was surprised to learn that other areas of my body required the healing energy more so than my recovering knee.  It was an amazing restorative session.  After the session my body felt significantly lighter.  I look forward to future sessions with Mr. Namkung.  He is open and very comfortable to work with.  


I highly recommend his healing energy services to anyone seeking relief and balance within their body and energy field. 


J. Bell, Burke, VA

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